Men’s Reviews

[ Shining the light on Men’s Health & Family well-being ]

Men’s Reviews. Men’s Health Reviews, Men’s online Magazine & Book promos | Websites reviews | AMHF activities | Aussie men stats reviews.

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Men’s Review Headings:


Emale Magazine

emale PDF link here: EMALE MAG – NUMBER 193

emale is Australia’s largest circulated free male health and well-being email-bulletin,

Produced by Greg Millan, Men’s Health Consultant.
Distributed in Australia and internationally, subscription is by email request only.

Reproduced material must acknowledge issue number and original source author.

Greg Millan retains all rights, title & interest of content. © 2020 Contact Greg on 0417 772 390




Mister Newsletters

[ Men’s Information Sheet To Every Region ]

Editor – Ron Parnell. ( Sydney, NSW)

Click the header image or here for the previous newsletters
“I had a vision 20 years ago at the ripe old age of 66 of a newsletter that would give core details of many different aspects of men’s health, with references supplied to encourage men to learn more about health issues, promoting much needed self awareness. Brevity was to be of essence and so… MISTER was born”.

Or you could check out Ron’s book suggestions from his blog here


Book Review

See this latest Book review recently published by Maggie Dent:
From Boys to Men

From Boys to Men empowers parents with insights, tips and a common-sense approach to help all boys and their families thrive as they progress through adolescence, offering hope for a future of adventure, stability, engagement and connection. The book is in paperback form from Booktopia
link here for purchase and consider other books of a similar nature

Featuring a Foreword by Michael Gurian

AIMHS has an index page of over 20 publications ( with reviews ) covering a huge spectrum of subject matter surrounding men – suggested reading includes; men’s health, family orientations, boys upbringing, Fatherhood, Women’s support for men, sexism and so on… 

Source the book lineup for yourself from the image-link here:


Website Profiles…

[ International Men’s Day .COM ]

International Men's website link

Hosted by DAD’S4KIDS ( Fatherhood Foundation )


The first Australian International Men’s Day consisted of a single celebration in 1994. Taking place in Sydney (Circular Quay) with a march to Observatory Hill followed by a few speakers. The event was co-ordinated by Mr Graham North and contrary to the small number of around 50 the rally was a start. Read further about the Australian launch here


[International Men’s Day .INFO ]

International Men's website link

Hosted by AMHF (Australian Men’s Health Forum)

…///… website hosted in partnership with the AMHF, AIMHF & the MHIRC.


Lionel Trains from 1950

“One of the best ways Men get to know each other… Lionel Trains”:



AMHF 2022 Men’s Awards…

Winners were selected by specialist judging panels from AMHF’s vast membership base, and shortlisted from all groups, individuals and projects nominated across Australia.

The State and Territory People’s Choice Awards were made to those with the most number of votes from more than 3000 counted.

An additional People’s Choice Award in the Indigenous Men’s Health category was awarded to Brian Dowd, the WalkAbout Barber.

[ Click image link below ]

Getting Men Moving Award
Contribution to Men’s Work Award
Indigenous Men’s Health Award
Best Men’s Mental Health Project
Men’s Health Leaders Award
Indigenous Men’s Health
State and Territory People’s Choice winners…


– Famous Aussies:

Aussie Blokes:

The very mention of an Australian bloke might bring to your mind the image of a beer guzzling, tanned, fun loving lounger on the picturesque beaches. Ever thought about what Australia would actually be like if Australians actually fit the Aussie stereotype? On the contrary without the relentless hard word, ingenuity, and dedicated men who gave their all, see here – Famous Australian men.


Aussie Male Athletes:

Australia has a rich history of competing in sports for well over a century, famous males that make the competition so exciting and enjoyable to watch. Some of the best Australian male athletes in the world of whom have represented Australia in the Olympics are included… follow the link to read up on the names of these talented male athletes of Australia – Aussie Aussie Aussie – Oi Oi Oi.


 – Men’s Health Facts & Figures…

Aussie Male statistics:

In 2014-15, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) around 1.5 million Australian men aged 18 years and over (17 per cent) had a mental or behavioural condition.  Dr. Paul Jelfs, ABS General Manager of Population and Social Statistics, said that the most common mental or behavioural conditions for Australian men were anxiety-related conditions and depression. “It’s important to get more men talking about how they’re feeling, with suicide being the leading cause of death for men aged 15 to 44 years in 2015.

In 2014, 60 per cent of men experienced personal stressors that had affected them, their family, or a close friend. Issues such as: serious illness, a death of a family member or mate, unable to get work, divorce or separation. “Looking at overall life satisfaction we see that it varies across different groups of men.

Further info, follow the link…

Australian Bureau of statistics

Male suicide references:

There are a number of vulnerable men at risk of suicide:

Unemployed males
• Experiencing separation
• Rural and remote areas
• Social disconnecting
• Drinking too much alcohol and/or substance abuse
• Experiencing depression, anxiety, or mental disorder
• Powerlessness… work, home, social environment
• Self-harm or previous suicide attempts
• Younger indigenous male heritage
• Male homosexuals, bisexual or trans-sexual
• Inappropriate or unprofessional support

Further info – follow the link…

Australian institute of male health & studies

Know your Man-facts:

Here is a rundown of the points presented on MEN at the Australian Men’s Health Forum Website:

3 out of 4 suicides are men

60% of smoking related diseases
Waist circumference over 94cm
Kids eat what their Dad’s eat…
9 of 10 young men never smoked
Good mates lead to healthier lives
1 out of 10 blokes is a carer
Prostate cancer kills…
1 in 3 men – family violence victims
Talk to a mate… BEFORE it too late.
Healthy Men support other men
Dad’s are best at helping Dad’s
Abused males have barriers, listen
Men die 6 years younger than women
Sexually abused men can recover
YOU and YOUR well-being…
1 in 5 have erectile dysfunction
1 in 7 blokes have prostate problems
Now no fingers for Prostate check
1 in 4 male suicides = separation…
50% of separated Dad’s suicidal…
Men chat to men, NOT professionals
YOU and MATES… “MAN” time games
Indigenous men – 10 years shorter life
2 in 3 PREVENTABLE deaths are men…
Don’t ignore the strains & pains
OK to chin wag about the small stuff
talk the walk & walk the talk

Further reading, follow the link…

Australian men’s health forum


Please Note: The views expressed in any of the Articles / Reviews should not be considered synonymous with Men’s Elective Network.

Men's Health Reviews - M.E.N. Resource Directory

Men's Health Australia - M.E.N.-link

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Mission Statement:

Shining the light on Men’s Health via the Men’s Elective Network with Resource Directories for help & contentment in life.