Men’s Events Directory – Australia

[ Shining the light on Men’s events & Family well-being ]

Men’s event’s directory – State & Territory Events: Men’s Listings / Men’s Noticeboard / Men’s Affiliations / Men’s Themes – Men’s Conferences, Workshops.

[ Men’s Events – Australia ]

Other Directories to assist you…


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Canberra time



[ You send it – we’ll trend it ]

The Events list is continually evolving with regular checks and upgrades regarding the links and phone numbers… if you recognise any Link anomalies contact us here including further links and phone numbers that you consider worthy of inclusion.

Men’s Events


Men’s Health Week…

[Will run from 10-16 June, now repurposed as Good-Health-Heroes]


Australian men’s health information and resource centre

I provide services, programs and projects that assist communities, health professionals, employers, educational institutions and men and their families in understanding and improving male health.

Greg Millan, Men’s Health Promotion Consultant.
0417 772 390


Group Events…

A search result of online groups – their activities and events with a drop down list of up to date Men’s groups… AND additional activities for everyone else in the family  – who consider themselves to be old enough!



Free events…

TV shows…

Night life…

See Here


Men’s Events


AMHF events Calendar…

( Image link above)

AMHF Calendar

The AMHF – Australia Men’s Health Forum is affiliated with the MHIRC – Men’s Health Information Resource Centre which is connected to the Western Sydney University.

They have collaborated together in setting up the following website – International Men’s day (.info) website hosted by the AMHF.

Representatives can be contacted regarding any content from the above site as well as their own website from this email address –

Mail Address here –

PO Box A647, Sydney South, NSW 1235

Phone: 0419319140


Men’s Events


Man made activities…

For those DIY activities there are a handful of essential tools you need at your disposal…

Some DIY projects…



Men's Health Australia - M.E.N.-link

Facebook link

Mission Statement:

Shining the light on Men’s Health via the Men’s Elective Network with Resource Directories for help & contentment in life.