Men’s Health Australia Directory

[ Shining the light on Men’s Health & Family well-being in Australia ]

Men’s Health Australia Directory. Resource LINKS and PHONE numbers for Men’s HEALTH, SUPPORT, REFERRAL, GROUPS, EVENTS, Family well-being.


Men’s Health Directory pages:

1/ Men’s Health DirectoryMen & Families; Triage | Services | Resource | Infosearch.
2/ Men’s Support ServicesAgencies & Affiliates: Help | Assistance | Assault | Dad’s.
3/ Men’s Referral Services Govt & Professionals: Access | Specifics | Fathers | Reference.
4/ Men’s Group Directory Local & Regional: Entities | Programs | Locals | Clubs.
5/ Men’s Events Australia State Events: Listings | Noticeboard | Pending | Themes.
Men’s Health Australia Directory pages :



MEN on Facebook


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This Website is connected to the Men’s Elective Network website.

[ Quote “Any man can be a father… but it takes a special man to be a Dad” ]

Australian time


Men’s State & Territory Contacts & links:

Mens Health Australia - State and Territory Contacts

Australian Capital Territory - Contacts & links New South Wales - Contacts & links Northern Territory - Contacts & links Queensland - Contacts & links South Australia - Contacts & links Tasmania - Contacts & links Victoria - Contacts & links Western Australia - Contacts & links



The website appears to have gone, there is however, a Men’s Health Week web page to support the annual recognition… it will run from 10-16 June. This year a new campaign from Healthy Male and Western Sydney University is championing a new perspective called ‘Good Health Heroes’.




The Department of Health and Aged Care (DOHAC) will continue their support for men’s health… with ongoing funds of $6.1 million to the Men’s Sheds movement. There’s also an expanded education and training for health professionals budget of $2.1 million to engage in treating men.

$3.4 million of funding is available for the Male Health Initiative… first funded in 2017. The initiative provides information and increases awareness and support for men and boys on key health issues. This funding is expected to run for two years (2024-2026) to extend existing support for Healthy Male, Centre for Male Health, and AMHF. There is also a focus on men, as a priority population, surrounding the national skin cancer prevention campaign… a further $15 million. Further reading and details are on the Australian men’s health forum website.



Starting to affect a growing number of Aussie families at this time as interest rates rise… There are approx 1.5 million Aussies at risk of mortgage stress and the number of households falling behind in repayments is rising, for some that means a possibility on defaulting on their home loan repayments – individuals, couples or families are allocating over 30% of more of their usable income towards a home mortgage. Here is a suggested comprehensive guide to recognising mortgage stress and possible solutions to combating it.

An expert says mortgage arrears are yet to reach their peak – SO, take heart that this issue is not exclusive to a select few!!! See here for a wider view.

Mortgage stress – also includes ‘rental stress’ and ‘housing affordability stress’… The Australian Banking Association has indicated, since 2021, that more than 80,000 people throughout Australia are still deferring their home loan repayments due to financial stresses. If you are fearful about your mental health or of loved ones with mortgage stress, then you can read up to understanding the issues surrounding this better… additionally you may find the Men’s Referral Access column helpful – in particular the Crisis services and the Legal aid links.



Australian Fathering Awards 2023 Recipients.

The Fathering Project is a national charity that transforms children’s lives by educating, supporting and empowering Dads. Additionally the Project also promotes an annual Australian Fatherhood awards…

Australian Father of The Year
Community Father of The Year
Sports Father of The Year
Australia’s Best Workplace for Father’s

We are thrilled with the success of the Awards event 2023. The award recipients demonstrate the clear impact and value of fathers and father friendly workplaces on children, families and communities.

Recognising Hamish Blake: Australian Father of the Year 2023

In a world that’s fast-paced and chaotic, certain individuals manage to stand out, not only for their accomplishments in the public eye, but in their profound impact they have on the lives of their family. One such remarkable individual is Hamish Blake, Australian Father of the Year for 2023.

Australian State & Territory Awards 2023.

Up country in Kyneton, nestled in the scenic Macedon Ranges, a determined father found his purpose. 2023 YMCA Victorian Father of Year Gabriel Carazo’s motivation was to create a community where dads could come together, break free from stereotypes, forging deeper connections.



Here are some samples of court activities from the Family Law express site for those who have the instinct to represent themselves within the Australian court system – the website is based in NSW so feel free to give them a call if you have any concerns, all the best.

Free Sample Legal Documents - Link

Further links to consider…

The Truth about Men & Divorce in Australia.

Fathers rights to see their children after Divorce.

If you can’t agree on Parenting arrangements.

Children & Family Law.

Men & Separation.

Top 10 mistakes by Fathers & shared Parenting.

The Divorced Dad financial survival guide.



“Perhaps if tearful little boys were comforted instead of shamed then there might not be so many angry men struggling to express and empathise with their emotions”  [ unknown].


Verse 2
Beneath our radiant Southern Cross
We’ll toil with hearts and hands;
To make this Commonwealth of ours
Renowned of all the lands;
For those who’ve come across the seas
We’ve boundless plains to share;
With courage let us all combine
To Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.



Men's Health Australia - M.E.N. Resource Directory home page


Mission Statement: 

Shining the light on Men’s Health via the Men’s Elective Network with Resource Directories for help & contentment in life.